Where Are We?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Panama, Panama

We are here! We found a great hostel in Casco Viejo, the old city which has narrow cobble stone streets and painted stone colonial architecture. This portion on the city was largely forgotten as the modern downtown developed, but has recently undergone a revival. Therefore there is a huge mix of decrepid buildings and new hip cafes and apartments.

After recovering from sleepless redeye flights next to overly talkative and oddly smelling seat mates, we ventured into the sweaty city. Today we visited the Miraflores Locks of the Panama Canal. This final set of locks before entry into the Pacific Ocean, lowers ships from the inland lake level to sea level, about a 57 foot and 52 million gallon difference. Upon the viewing deck we watched two "Panamax" ships travel through the two sets of locks. These ships are built to travel through the canal with one foot to spare on each side!

In the afternoon we explored downtown Panama City, a very modernized city of high rises immediatly surrounded by decaying shack house neighborhoods. The streets are dirty and the air is muggy. We are not sure why the AARP rated this city as one of the best places to retire. It is, however, beautifully placed on a peninsula jetting into the Pacific. 

A view of downtown Panama through an old building in Casco Viejo

We got our bus tickets to Bocas del Toro for tomorrow and cant wait to be on a beach! Now only a 10 hour bus ride stands between us and beautiful Caribbean Isla Colon.


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