Where Are We?

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Clases de Español

En lunes empezamos clases de Español en una escuela que se llama Spanish by the Sea. Cada día de esta semana tenemos clases a las ocho por la mañana hasta las doce. Molly esta en un grupo avanzado y Jordan esta en un grupo intermedio. Nos dos estamos aprendiendo mucho. Nos gustan mucho los profesores, ellos son muy divertíos y ayudante.  Es un modo bueno para refrescar y recordar la gramática que hemos aprendido en el pasado. En miércoles asistimos una clase de cocinar con uno de los profesores de la escuela. El nos enseñó cocinar pollo caribeño, arroz de coco y patacones. ¡Nos gusta mucho la comida aquí, especialmente los frutas del mar!

This Monday we began Spanish classes at a school called Spanish by the Sea. Every day this week we have class from 8 to noon. Molly is in the advanced group and Jordan is in the intermediate group, however both of our groups are only two people! We are learning a lot. We both really like our professors and the other students. They are very fun and helpful. This is a good way to refresh and remember the grammar that we have learned in the past. On Wednesday we attended a cooking class taught by one of the professors. He taught us to cook Caribbean chicken, coconut rice, and fried plantains. We really like the food here, especially all the great seafood!

Outside of class we have filled our time kayaking to surrounding islands, exploring beaches covered in starfish, drinking batidos (fresh fruit shakes), snorkeling, and riding bicycles along the coastline. Sometimes it rains in paradise, but we´re still managing to catch some rays.

 Two of the hundreds of starfish on Starfish Beach
Hospital Point on Isla Soltero
View of Bocas Town

Tomorrow after class we will leave the laid back bike-riding beachtafarian atmosphere and head to Boquete a mountain town a few hours inland.

¡Hasta luego!


Unknown said...

Your photos and writings are just great! Have a wonderful time!

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