We visited the botanical gardens where they have recreated most ecosystems found in Colombia and have an impressive display of Orchids, the national flower.
We also toured the small but interesting modern art museum. This is a picture of a mural outside the art museum.
For an interesting cultural experience, you don’t have to look much farther than the grocery store. Make your own conclusions, but here are a few ridiculous photos. Ps anything Asian--from bok choy to pad thai to chop sticks—is referred to as Chino.
For better or worse, for the first time we found ourselves surrounded by Americans in our hostel. Outside of the international embassies that seem to be youth hostels, we have found ourselves to be some of the few non-Colombian tourists. It is pretty exciting to travel in a country which has recently become a safe travel destination and is still relatively off of the ¨gringo trail.¨ And truly we have felt in each and every place we have traveled in Colombia. President Uribe has absolutely transformed the nation and pushed the guerrillas deep into the remote parts of the Amazon where their organization is slowly falling apart. Colombia will most like explode with tourism in the next few years as its reputation slowly changes in the international eye. We are really glad we chose to explore Colombia and would recommend it to anyone. We feel that we only scratched the surface and there is so much more to explore and enjoy in this lively and beautiful country.
I love that mural!
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